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Effective January 1, 2023 all massage therapy appointments without a prescription from a prescribing practitioner will be subject to a sales tax.

Dr. Pendergest is no accepting any new massage therapy clients at this time.

45 Minutes


Great for working on a specific problem region like

neck, shoulders, and back with a little more attention than a

30 minute session.

60 Minutes


Perfect amount of time for maintaining good

mobility and relaxation of the entire body.


75 Minutes


*An office favorite!* 75 minutes is great for doing both

maintenance techniques as well as working out any specific problem areas.

90 Minutes


Want even more feel good time? This is your answer! 90 minutes

gives each area of the body a great amount of time

for attention and relaxation!

Pregnancy massage


60 minutes for mama! Starting in the second trimester, expecting moms can enjoy a session to help her relax, focus on herself and baby, and get great low back relief on our Cozy Bump!

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